Rescued from Destruction

Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo

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Product Overview

The Story of My Journey Through the Valley of the death and rescue from Destruction is a classic testament to the unflinching faithfulness of God to His people in time of trouble. It is a message of hope brought alive to the dying world. Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo never stops reechoing the truth that “God is too faithful to fail” – the single most powerful message derived from her famous encounter with God, as she walked through the shadow of death. Using her ever-inspiring story, she teaches challenged believers what to do when the flood is overflowing and the pain seems unbearable. This book offers a unique blend of practical and spiritual steps to overcoming the fierce battles of the mind and holding on in the face of contrary and adverse situations. Pastor Faith opines that “When God seems far away, He is not! He is too faithful to fail!”


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