Faith Oyedepo

site-image-1-pst-faith-oyedepo.jpgFaith Abiola Oyedepo, has through the leading of the Holy Spirit, brought hope, joy and peace into many families and home.

For many years since she received the ministry for families and home, she has in no little measure dedicated her life to showing people the perfect will of God concerning their family relationships and homes. Her regular and scintillating weekly newspaper and internet columns – Family Matters, Family Success and Family Life, among others – have helped in no small measure in achieving this goal.
Also, she has a divine mandate to enrich the lives of singles and unmarried person in a unique way.

She reaches out to the less privileged, the need and those in the valley of decision, through her Faith Abiola Oyedepo Foundation (FAOF).
Pastor Faith has written over 20 anointed and impactful books that have transformed many lives and given them change of stories, including her best-selling title: Rescued from Destruction

An anointed preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Faith has been doggedly supportive of her husband (Dr David O. Oyedepo, the Visionary/President Of Living Faith Church Worldwide Inc) in the work of the ministry.

They are parents to four children – David Jnr, Isaac, Love and Joys.